Course Information
Welcome to the start of your journey...
I remember when I started on my airway journey and I realized how serious this was. The more I learned the more I realized how there was a silent epidemic affecting almost all of my patients. I even went through a phase of anger because I felt as though I should have learned all of these things in hygiene school. I felt as though I failed my patients for the last 10 years because I thought certain habits were normal or was unaware of how these bad habits were affecting my patients.
I started this course because I firmly believe this is information every dental professional should know. Even if you are to busy to provide myofunctional therapy in your practice; to be able to diagnose, educate and refer will help your patients achieve their healthiest potential.
Are you looking for ways to increase production? Myofunctional therapy services are a great adjunct to orthodontics.
Have a patient who has a strong gag reflex and cant tolerate a night guard or denture? Myofunctional therapy
Have a patient who has sleep apnea or UARS? Myofunctional therapy
Have a patient with an open bite or tongue thrust? Myofunctional therapy
Have a patient who is tongue-tied? Myofunctional therapy
Have a patient who is a mouth breather? Myofunctional therapy
Have a patient with TMD? Myofunctional therapy
Have a patient who can't tolerate water in their mouth during dental procedures? Myofunctional therapy
Myofunctional problems are way more common than you realize. Come join us to learn how you can elevate yourself as a clinician and elevate your practice.
Virtual Two Day Course
The Science
Learn the science behind myofunctional therapy and nasal breathing. Learn about growth and development as well as ties to chronic health concerns.
Quality Care
Learn how to screen patients and provide therapy.
Patient Awareness
Learn how to discuss this new office therapy and discuss billing while maintaining patient's trust.
Day 1
- What is Myofuctional therapy?
- What is the science behind it?
- What are the effects of mouth breathing?
- Screening patients.
Day 2
- Therapy Protocols
- Practice Exercises
- Buteyko Breathing
- Patient Education and Billing
Course Details
The course is a live two day introduction to myofunctional therapy and buteyko breathing course held via Zoom. This course is a live event and recordings may not be available. The objective of this course is to have students understand the science behind myofunctional therapy. By the end of the course students will be able to identify patients presenting symptoms and have the ability to educate. Myofunctional therapy and buteyko breathing exercises will be demonstrated and reviewed. Upon completion you will gain access to Dropbox where you can access all course materials as well as educational tools to use in your practice. A myofunctional therapy tool kit will be mailed to you ahead of time with all materials required to practice the exercises. A Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you upon completion of the course. Unfortunately at this time we are not able to provide any continuing education credits. Cost of the course is currently $1,399.00 as we are trying to make sure everyone has access to this information. For further questions or to discuss in office group trainings feel free to email us at or
Our Next Course will be October 26th and 27th.
Course Day!
After the course you will have access to marketing materials and other handouts for your patients.
Sign Up Today!
Interested in joining us? Contact us today to enroll in the next class. Limited number of students accepted at a time.